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How to breed laying hens?

25 , Mar 2023
Here we are briefly explaining the layer poultry Farming.
Layer poultry farming means raising egg laying poultry birds for the purpose of commercial egg productions. Layer chickens are such a special species of hens, which need to be raised from when they are one day old. They start laying eggs commercially from 18-19 weeks of age. They remain laying eggs continuously till their 72-78 weeks of age. They can produce about one kg of eggs by consuming about 2.25 kg of food during their egg laying period. For the purpose of producing hybrid eggs layer, consider the various characteristics of cock and hen before breeding. There are various types of highly egg productive layer breeds available throughout the world.
According to the nature and color of egg, two types Layer Breeds are White Egg Laying Hens and Brown Egg Laying Hens.
The Brown egg laying hens are relatively larger in size. They eat more foods, compared to white egg layers. Lay bigger eggs than other laying breeds. Egg shell is brown colored. There are many types of brown layer available. Among those Isa Brown, Hi Sex Brown, Sever 579, Lehman Brown, Hi Line Brown, Bab Cock BV-380, Gold Line, Bablona Tetro, Bablona Harko, Havard Brown etc. are very suitable for commercial layer poultry farming.
Layer Hen Selection:
You have to keep in mind some essential information before selecting the layer hens for your poultry farming business. You have to select those breeds which are suitable for your layer poultry farming business and can produce well in your area. 
Write egg laying hens and brown egg laying hens
Vaccination and its Importance for Layer Poultry Farming:
Vaccination program is a must for chicks for keeping them free from all types of diseases. The main advantage is Mortality rate will reduce.
Low mortality rate = more production = more profit.
There are many types of poultry vaccines are available for layer hens. Marex, Ranikheth, Gamboro, Bruchaities, Bosonto, Salmonela etc. are used for layer chickens.
Poultry vaccine
Egg Production for Layer Poultry Farming:
Egg production depends on the care and farm management. If you take good care of your birds and manage them properly, then the production and profit will be high.
Importance of Lip Cutting:
Cutting the lip of laying hens is very important. The main benefits are.
1、Lip cutting help to reduce mutual fights.
2、It helps to prevent food waste.
3、Cut the lip of growing chicken at their 8 to 12 weeks of age.
4、Cut the both upper and lower lips.
5、Don’t cut the both lip together. Cut one after another.
6、Use block chick trimming machine to cut the lips.
Feeding for Layer Poultry Farming:
There are many companies available throughout the world, which are producing commercial feed and feed supplements for layer chickens. You can buy feed from your local market or make the feed at your own house. You have to be sure that the feed and feed supplements you bought are enriched with essential food value.
In accordance with the age and species of chickens, food providing can control the weights of chicken. Use sufficient calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, amino acid and other mineral substance in their food. If you follow the methods, then you can make better profit from your layer poultry farming business.
Poul Tech battery chicken cage can automatically feed feed regularly and quantitatively every day.
Water Management for Layer Poultry Farming:
Chickens health depends on the supply of pure, clean and fresh drinking water. You have to provide adequate water according to the demand of your laying hens. For purifying the water, mix Aqua cure. Determine a suitable place to keep the water pot inside the poultry house. Supply cold water during summer season and hot weather, and slightly hot water in cold weather or winter season.
Dosers and filters are usually added to the pipes to improve water quality and prevent diseases.
Egg Collecting and Grading:
Mechanical collection of eggs is common in modern layer farms. It takes about 26 hours for each egg to develop and each hen lays an egg a little later each day. This is not an exact thing and most eggs are laid in the morning. Eggs should be collected regularly and transferred from the hen house to an egg room where they are graded or checked for weight and for damaged shells. A sample of eggs is often broken open to check internal quality. Eggs are packed into cartons for 12 eggs or trays of 30 eggs for sale. Prices vary with egg size, so eggs must be separated on the basis of egg weight.
Egg collection
Marketing of Eggs:
Eggs are stored in a cool room at about 13℃ and transported in an insulated truck. Unfortunately, many shops selling eggs do not store them under ideal conditions. In the home and shop situation it is best to store them at normal refrigerator temperature (4-6℃). Marketing involves a range of prices, depending on the different sizes of egg, different brands, or other differences which attract particular buyers.
Egg refrigeration


